Hexaset Tablet is a classical Ayurvedic medicine. It is in fact, ShadadhranYoga cited by Acharya Vagbhata in the treatment of Kushtha& many other diseases. The name, Hexaset has been adopted to differentiate itself from classical Shadadharan Yoga.
Hexaset in indicated mainly in Kushtha i.e. skin diseases where Kleda is excessive & prominent in the pathology of the diseases. That’s why the secretory phases of all skin disease are well controlled & cured with the regular use of Hexaset vati.
It is also useful in the inflammation of skin when Kapha Dosha is associated in the pathology. Kaphadosha tends to make the disease more chronic, so those skin diseases which are chronic like psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, urticariaetcare well treated with Hexaset. It should not be used where Pitta Dosha is dominant,
Hexaset is also useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids i.e. piles. But to be specific it is useful in Kaphaja Arsha. Whenever there is itching sensation in anal region or abnormal unpleasant feeling of phantom wetness (i.e.staimitya), Hexaset works great in such situation.
Prameha & Shotha both are Kledabahul diseases. Hexaset being Ushna in Veerya, reduces the Kleda, subsequently reduces sugar in diabetic patient. It also effectively reduces polyuria in the patient of diabetes mellitus.
Pandu is RasapradoshajaVyadhi (caused due to vitiation of Rasa Dhatu). So in the first stage of treatment, where Rasagata Doshapachana is necessary, Hexaset can be used.
When Drava Guna of Pitta increases, it results in Agnimandya& subsequent Ajeerna. Hexaset is well set to revert this condition. In such condition, Hexaset should be administered in Saman Kala.
Hexaset is very useful in avoiding the recurrences of intestinal worms. Longer administration of Hexaset is needed to achieve this purpose.
Hexaset Tablet
- Brand : SwamiAyurved
- Product Code : Hexaset Tablet
- Availability : In Stock
Rs. 344.00
- Ex Tax : Rs. 327.62